Starting an event center hall rental
business in Nigeria is a very lucrative and profitable business. Event center
hall rental business is a business that brings great returns. As an owner of
event center hall, you can rent it out to individual and organization for
social gathering such as seminars, wedding reception, birthday parties, bachelorette
parties, club meetings, etc. This business is very profitable if it is done in
a proper way. On this article we are going to look at some of the basic
requirements of starting a private event center hall rental business in Nigeria.
The following are the basic requirements;
1. Securing capital for the business:
Without been told event center hall rental business requires capital to start. You
can apply for a loan in any of the commercial bank in Nigeria with a good
business proposal. More still you can ask for a favor from relatives or close
friends whom you feel that is financially buoyant.
2. Getting a unique name: Getting a
unique name for the event center rental hall business is very important. The name
should be simple and attractive.
3. Register the name: You need to
register the name with Corporate Affairs Commissions (CAC). If that name is
registered with CAC nobody else can use the name for is business, your business
will be added to the list of businesses officially recognized by the Nigerian
4. Securing a hall in a good location: If you don’t actually have your own personal
land to build a hall, you can rent a big hall in good location. This location
must have access to good road. An event center rental hall that is located in a
good and conducive environment attracts more clients and reasonable prize.
5. Furnishing and decorating the hall: After securing a hall in a good
location you need to furnish and decorate the hall very well. Furnishing and
decorating the hall is very important, this is what attract clients to pay reasonable
amount of money for the hall. The beauty of the event center will bring more
clients to you.
6. Marketing and promoting the Event center hall: The success of any
business depends on the way and manner the business is promoted. To get more
clients to rent the event center hall you need to promote the event center
hall. There are different ways you can promote the event center hall. You can
start by printing flyers and business cards. You can also use social media
networks like facebook and twitter to promote your event center hall. You can
also build a professional website for the event center, all these are marketing
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