One of thing that is generally used to beautify homes and offices is paint. Actually paints are made from a colored pigment called powder. This powder used in making paints is made up of combination of various chemicals.

Over the years paint production in Nigeria has proven to be one of profitable business in Nigeria, couple with the large and ever-growing population in the country, new buildings that are erected day by day and also the old ones that need to be renovated. All these have increased the demand of paints in the market. In Nigeria today we already have the established players in the business, nevertheless you too can also become successful in the business if your product is of good quality and good price.

Different types of paints

The following are the 4 different types of paints; Oil paint, Screeding Paint, Emulsion Paint and Text Coat Paint.

The following are the steps on how to produce acrylic emulsion paint (20 liters) in Nigeria;

          1. 30 Liters of water.

          2. ½ kg of Titanium Dioxide.

          3. 50 kg of Calcium carbonate.

          4. 6 kg of Acrylic.

          5. 1/8 liter of defoamer. This ingredients help to reduce the foam during the paint production.

         6.  ½ kg of Natrosol.

         7. A. D of Formalin. This ingredient act as preservative.

        8. A cap of Ammonia. Act as thickener.

The following are the steps on how to produce acrylic emulsion paint in Nigeria;

         1. You need to pour the Titanium dioxide into the water and then stir.

          2. After that add calcium carbonate, and then Acrylic. At this time you can add the defoamer and preservatives.

          3. You have to mix the Natrosol with water then add to the solution and stir.

         4. After that add a cap of ammonia and then stir.

The following are the steps on how to produce “textcoat paint” (20 liters) in Nigeria;

         1. 30 Liters of water

         2. ½ kg of Titanium Dioxide

        3. 50 kg of Calcium carbonate

        4. 6 kg of Acrylic

        5. 1/8 liter of defoamer

        6. ½ kg of Natrosol

        7. A. D of Formalin or antacid

        8. A bottle top cover of Ammonia

        9. 1 bag of Marble Dust

Procedures on how to produce textcoat paint in Nigeria;

         1. You need to pour the Titanium dioxide into the water and then stir.

         2. After that add calcium carbonate, and then Acrylic. At this time you can add the defoamer and preservatives.

        3. You have to mix the Natrosol with water and then add to the solution and stir.

        4. After that you have to add a bag of marble dust either smooth or rough and then stir.

        5. After that add a cap of ammonia and then stir.

The following are the steps on how to produce “Screeding Paint” in Nigeria;

         1. 30 liters of water.

         2. 50 kg of calcium carbonate

         3. Small amount of PVA

         4. ½ kg of Natrosol

         5. 1 liter of Ammonia

         6.  1 liter of Formalin

Procedures on how to produce (3 ½ Buckets) screeding paint in Nigeria;

           1. You need to pour the 30 liters of water into a big bowl.

          2. After that pour the calcium carbonate (off white) 50 kg into the water.

          3. After that pour the PVA into the bowl containing 1 and 2 ingredients.

         4. You have to put the Natrosol in a separate container and then add water to it and stir it till it is free, and then pour it into the bowl.

        5. You have to pour the ammonia (just a little drop) and then keep stirring.

        6. You can now package and sell.

The following are the steps on how to produce (20 liters) “Oil paint” (gloss) in Nigeria;

        1. 7 kg of Alkyd

        2. 10 liters of Kerosene

        3. 1/8 kg of Dryer

Procedures on how to produce oil paint (gloss) in Nigeria;

        1. You have to pour the alkyd in a container.

        2. Then you need to add the 10 liters of kerosene, mash and then stir properly.

        3. After that add pigment and then dryer to make it dry faster.

       4. You can now package and then sell.

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